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Are you thinking about riding your motorcycle this winter? By preparing your motorcycle and taking extra precautions, riding through winter can be an exciting experience. Learn about this topic by reading this post by North American Wholesale in Corpus Christi.

Deciding whether to ride or not to ride this winter season can be a challenging decision. Many riders choose to store their bike until spring. However, by preparing your motorcycle and following some safety advice, riding through winter can be very enjoyable. If you are interested in learning how to prepare for winter riding, this article by North American Wholesale in Corpus Christi is for you.

Check the Weather

Always check the weather before leaving the house. Avoid riding when it's snowing. Snow creates bad road conditions, creating ice patches, and black snow. These elements reduce grip and can lead you to end up in a dangerous situation. It's best to skip a trip than to put yourself and your motorcycle in danger.

Wear the Correct Gear

Your gear is the only thing keeping you safe from the road and the weather. To ensure you stay warm, layer your gear. Start with a base layer (full sleeve, full leg), and follow with your winter suit. You can add more layers in between if necessary. Keeping your hands warm is vital; therefore, wear thick gloves. Many riders choose to wear glove base layers or gloves with heated grips. For the upper part of your body, wear a tightly-sealed helmet and a neck warmer. Last but not least, wear thick socks and proper winter riding boots.

Prepare to ride your motorcycle this winter by giving your engine the best products. Your engine will be protected with AMSOIL's 15W-60 Synthetic V-Twin Motorcycle Oil and will have enhanced performance. Speak to an expert at North American Wholesale and learn about the benefits of a synthetic oil change in Corpus Christi. For more information, call (866) 580-1008.

Prep Your Motorcycle

  • Lights: Start by ensuring that your lights work properly, Adjust both the beam and dip for proper performance. Additionally, clean off any dirt or crud to ensure you have proper visibility on the road. If necessary, replace any light that isn't working properly.
  • Battery: Motorcycle batteries have a hard time during winter as the cold weather slows the chemical reaction down. Therefore, check the resting voltage of the battery. If reading indicates at least 12.6v, the battery is in good condition. Lastly, lightly grease the battery's terminals and ensure that all connections are tight.
  • Tires: Cold tires mean less traction when riding. Therefore, take some time before you venture out on your bike to warm the tires. To do so, accelerate and decelerate quickly for a while, being mindful of traction. Also, make sure the tires have proper tread for winter riding.
  • Oil change: To ensure your engine works at its best, give it an oil change. Motor oil ensures that every component of the engine works properly, which is essential to ensure your safety. Visit your local mechanic before your first adventure of the season and give your bike an oil change.

Learn about the best AMSOIL products for your engine by speaking to a professional at North American Wholesale. Ask about the benefits of a synthetic oil change in Corpus Christi by calling (866) 580-1008 or learn about different products by visiting the online store.

Increase Visibility

Increase your following distance while riding in the winter. Maintain a few car lengths of space ahead of you. Doing so allows you to recognize and react to any hazard before it occurs. Additionally, increase your visibility by looking further down the road as much as possible. This allows you to see if any car stops or if there is an ice patch you need to be careful of. Remember that traction is limited in winter, so being extra cautious is necessary.

Your Wellbeing Comes First

Along with preparing your motorcycle and taking safety measures on the road, pay attention to your wellbeing while you ride. Being exposed to cold temperatures requires your body to work harder to keep itself warm. Therefore, you will lose energy and feel tired much faster. Plan several rest stops, especially if you are planning a long ride. Make sure to stay hydrated and to eat many healthy snacks to help you regain your energy.

Give Your Engine a Synthetic Oil Change in Corpus Christi to Prepare for Winter Riding

Get in contact with an expert at North American Wholesale and learn about the benefits of a synthetic oil change in Corpus Christi. With products like AMSOIL's 15W-60 Synthetic V-Twin Motorcycle Oil, your engine can enjoy maximum protection. For more information, visit the online store or call (866) 580-1008.