Corpus Christi, TX | (866) 580-1008


Spring is here, and it’s a great time to do some motorcycle spring maintenance to ensure it’s ready to go. Read this post by North American Wholesale in Corpus Christi, TX, to ensure you don’t forget any steps. 

Start by Cleaning Your Bike

The first step to take after your bike has been in storage for a while is to give it a good wash. Washing your motorcycle is not only for aesthetics but to make sure that moisture and dust don’t damage its components. Also, tougher things like dry mud can interfere with the functioning. Once you’ve washed it, dry it well, and if it’s been a while since you last waxed it, this would be a great time to do so.

Prepare your motorcycle for spring by using excellent products in its maintenance like AMSOIL’s 15W-50 Synthetic Metric Motorcycle Oil. If you’re wondering what products to use, give North American Wholesale a call at (866) 580-1008, and one of their oil experts will be happy to help.

Care for Your Tires

Taking care of your tires can help them last for longer. That’s why it’s essential that you check if they’re at the correct air pressure and if they don’t have any cracks, bulges, or foreign objects embedded in them during spring cleaning. Also, look out for worn-out treads as it's a sign you should change your tires.

Charge the Battery

If you’re used to putting your motorcycle away for extended periods, you might know about battery tenders. A battery tender keeps your bike’s battery charged and ensures it doesn’t die out while in storage. So, if you did connect it to a tender, it should be good to go. On the other hand, if you didn’t do this, it’s possible your battery lost its charge. Your best bet is to connect it to a charger and hope it charges back up. It might be time to get a new one if it doesn't.

Motorcycle spring maintenance is essential to staying safe on the road and ensuring your bike will work better for longer. The experts at North American Wholesale have excellent products for your bike and any other vehicle you drive. Call them today at (866) 580-1008 and see how their products can benefit your engine. Once you’re ready to place an order, visit their online store.

Prepare Yourself to Get Back on the Bike

Now that your bike is ready to hit the road, it’s vital that you are too. Getting back in riding shape, preparing your gear, and ensuring the streets you like to ride down are in good condition are essential to riding safely again.

Ensure Your Gear is in Good Condition

First, you should make sure that your gear is in good condition. This includes having a DOT certified helmet, riding boots that go past your ankles, long pants, long sleeve t-shirts, a motorcycle jacket, and riding gloves. It’s essential that you have the right gear for the road and that it’s always in the best condition possible as this is your primary safety barrier in case of an accident. Tip: When riding in the spring, make sure always to check the weather forecast to ensure you’re bundled up enough for sudden temperature changes. In this season, layers are your friends.

Get Back in Riding Shape

Depending on how long you’ve been off your bike, you might experience some stiffness when riding, or your reaction time maybe won’t be as quick as it once was. That’s why it’s essential to take your time when getting back on your bike and build up your stamina and reaction time. Riding slower than usual can help you get the hang of riding your bike once more.

Beware of Road Conditions

Lastly, when going back on the road, it’s essential to consider how that road might’ve changed from the last time you rode it up until now. Pay attention to the road conditions and stay alert at all times to avoid falling in a pothole or driving through a rough patch in the road, as it could make you lose control of your bike and be extremely dangerous. Riding tip: If you’re riding through a place that gets cold winters and springs, beware of ice on the road or sand and salt that could’ve been leftover from winter.

We hope this post helps you maintain your motorcycle in better shape year-round. If you need any additional information, don’t hesitate to call North American Wholesale at (866) 580-1008. There, one of their experts will guide you through the extensive AMSOIL catalog, or if you’d prefer, visit their online store to see their products or to place an order.