Corpus Christi, TX | (866) 580-1008


There are different types of ATVs on the market depending on the use you’re going to give it. For more information, keep reading this post by AMSOIL: North American Wholesale in Corpus Christi, TX

What’s Considered an ATV?

ATVs (short for all-terrain vehicles) and also known as quad bikes are vehicles designed to ride on many types of terrains. Some of the characteristics of ATVs are handlebars, a straddle seat, and low-pressure tires that help ride on rugged landscapes smoothly. ATVs are designed for only one rider, but you can find models manufactured for an operator and a passenger nowadays. The right ATV for you will always be the one that matches the kind of riding you will be doing, but it’s also important to consider your riding skill and lifestyle before choosing one. Lastly, it’s important to mention that even though ATVs are deemed street legal in some countries, these aren’t street legal in the United States.

Knowing what types of ATVs are on the market is the best way to make the right decision when purchasing one. Another essential thing to consider is having a regular maintenance routine for your ATV. If you’re unsure what products to use for its maintenance, don’t hesitate to call North American Wholesale at (866) 580-1008 for advice.

Sport ATV

Sports ATVs are designed with speed and running around a racetrack in mind. That’s why they’re lightweight and forgo many comfort and usability aspects. Some other advantages of sports ATVs are that they’re smaller in size and usually have two-wheel drives, making them easier to handle. They’re also generally cheaper as they have fewer features and power. A downside of sports ATVs is that they’re built for speed, not comfort, so you might find models with uncomfortable seats and grips. That being said, if the rider needs better performance, comfort, or usability, most can be customized to fit their needs.

Utility ATVs

When looking at types of ATVs, one that is essential for people who are looking for power and performance are Utility ATVs. These are designed to be used as a workhorse for hauling and towing. These are designed to have a high ground clearance to ride over obstacles and rough terrain and are equipped with a four-wheel drive. One key difference between utility ATVs and sports ATVs is handling rough terrains better. Utility ATVs aren’t great at speed and racing as their design makes them heavyweight. Other characteristics of utility ATVs are that they have power steering and large seats, which help the rider be much more comfortable and reduce strain when working. Think of utility ATVs as great workhorses that can handle large workloads and a tool for those who need to carry around heavy loads.

Depending on your ATV, you’ll need to tweak its maintenance routine and the products you use to meet its needs best. For more information on excellent products like AMSOIL’s 5W-50 Synthetic ATV/UTV Engine Oil, don’t hesitate to call North American Wholesale at (866) 580-1008 or visit their online store for more information on their full range of products.

Side by Side ATVs

Another ATV worth mentioning is side by side ATVs, also known as buggies or offroad vehicles. These ATVs differ from regular ones as they’re designed to fit two riders at a time. They’re usually designed for sports, utility, or hybrid usage too. This type of ATV can also be equipped with a roof rack and a cargo box and have enough power to pull small trailers. Another great thing about these ATVs is that they can be equipped with cab enclosures if you’re taking it on rough terrain. Another interesting thing about side-by-side ATVs is that because of the safety features added like turn signals, windshield wipers, safety belts, and DOT-approved tires; they can be considered street legal in some states. That being said, it’s good to check with your DOT before taking one of these vehicles on the road.

Youth ATVs

Lastly, we have youth ATVs. These are designed and manufactured to be used by less experienced riders to hone their skills in a vehicle that is safe for them. These ATVs are less powerful and have coil springs with absorbers to ensure the rider has better control of the vehicle and improved traction. Many manufacturers will limit the power and add an automatic transmission to make youth ATVs safer for younger riders who are just learning how to ride.

We hope this post on the types of ATVs helps you choose the right ATV for your adventures. If you need assistance selecting the right products for your vehicles, call North American Wholesale at (866) 580-1008 for more information, or visit AMSOIL’s website to place an order today!