Corpus Christi, TX | (866) 580-1008


Once you’ve been driving for a while, it’s hard to recognize bad driving habits you might have picked up along the way. Keep reading this post by North American Wholesale in Corpus Christi, TX, for tips on avoiding them.

Are Bad Driving Habits Really That Bad?

There are many habits in our day to day that are probably not the best for us. Many of them can be minor nuisances, but some of them can damage our health or lifestyles. The worst part about bad habits is that some are easy to pick up. Bad driving habits can be categorized as more challenging to unlearn, and that could actively put you and others in danger. Fixing your bad driving habits can not only help you be a better driver, but it can also protect you and others while on the road. In this post, we’ll touch on the most common ones and give you some suggestions on correcting them.

Part of being a responsible driver is to have a good maintenance routine. Using products like AMSOIL’s Signature Series 0W-20 Synthetic Motor Oil can help you keep your car in good condition for longer. Call the experts at North American Wholesale at (866) 580-1008 for more information or visit their online store for their full range of products.

Ignoring Traffic Signs

One of the most common bad habits is to ignore traffic signs. These signs are there for a purpose and should be considered rules of the road and not just suggestions on driving. Traffic signs indicate road conditions and rules to follow to keep everyone safe. Things like not slowing down at a yellow light, driving past a stop sign, or not yielding when indicated could cause you to be in a traffic accident or put others on the road in danger.


Speeding is also a common bad habit, and it’s one that you’ve probably been guilty of engaging in from time to time. But it’s vital to remember that speed limits exist for the sole objective of keeping everyone on the road safe. Speed limits are set based on road conditions, surrounding streets and buildings, and other factors that could affect your driving. Follow the speed limit signs to ensure you have enough time to react if there’s a sudden change in road conditions.

Not Practicing Defensive Driving

Another mistake that some drivers make is not practicing defensive driving. If you’ve been a driver for a while, chances are you’ve heard of defensive driving. If you haven’t, defensive driving is a set of techniques that teach you how to prevent dangerous situations on the road. Some of the techniques are learning to keep an eye on your surroundings, leaving space in between you and other vehicles while driving, scanning the road effectively, among other things. A defensive driving course can help you improve your driving skills.

Having a routine maintenance schedule can help you prevent issues on the road. Call the oil experts at North American Wholesale at (866) 580-1008 for more information, or visit their online store to place an order 24/7!

Distracted Driving

In the age of smartphones and screens, distracted driving has become a significant problem on roads all over the country. It’s estimated that 1.6 million crashes each year are caused by people on their cellphone. This statistic is troubling, and more so when we admit that we’re probably among those who have glanced at their phone while driving. Other ways of distracted driving are driving tired or using drugs or alcohol before getting behind the wheel. These things can also cause you to get distracted easily and should be avoided at all costs. If you’re feeling tired or aren’t in the right conditions to drive, it will always be best to ask someone else to take the wheel, call a taxi or a car-sharing service to ensure you get home safe.

A Vehicle in Bad Condition

Lastly, we would like to mention driving with a car in bad condition. This can be because of many factors, but the reality is that if your vehicle isn’t maintained correctly, it could break down and put you and others at risk. To avoid this, ensure you have a reliable maintenance routine and follow through with it at least every six months to ensure your car is in good working order.

One of your biggest responsibilities as a driver is ensuring you keep yourself and others safe. Car maintenance can not only keep you safe, but it can also help you save time and money by using the right products. Browse AMSOIL's online shop or call North American Wholesale at (866) 580-1008 to place an order for them today.