Corpus Christi, TX | (866) 580-1008


As much as driving can be an enjoyable experience, some situations can turn us into angry drivers. In this post by North American Wholesale in Corpus Christi, we’ll give you five tips on avoiding road rage

Leave With Time to Spare

The first step in avoiding road rage is giving you enough time in your daily drives to get to your destination without feeling rushed. Making your vehicle a calm environment can help you feel less stressed when getting behind the wheel. Make a plan that is flexible enough to include unexpected delays during your drive. If possible, use the maps app on your phone to plan out a route that avoids traffic so you can feel more confident in knowing you’ll encounter fewer chances of being delayed. Leaving for your destination with time to spare will also help you feel less rushed and allow you to drive slower. Driving slower can decrease your chances of getting into arguments with other drivers and avoid taking unnecessary risks in your commute.

Another way to avoid unexpected delays when driving is to keep your car in top shape. Call the oil experts at North American Wholesale at (866) 580-1008 for information on the best products for your engine. You can also visit their online store to place an order 24/7.

Try to Relax

Relaxing is also an essential component of avoiding road rage. Relaxing in your car starts way before you start your drive. If you feel stressed before driving, try doing some breathing exercises before turning on your engine. If possible, continue with them throughout your drive. Focusing on taking deep breaths can help you reduce your heart rate and approach triggering situations much more calmly. Other than breathing exercises, there are a few ways you can make your car a space conducive to relaxation. Try listening to music you find enjoyable and relaxing to get in a better mood. Do a review of your body; where are you feeling tense? Usually, people hold tension in their hands and their jaw. Try relaxing them; releasing that tension is a great way to feel in a better mood.

Be Polite When Driving

Another way to enjoy your time behind the wheel is to be polite when driving. We know it’s sometimes complex as it sometimes seems like everyone who is driving is constantly in a bad mood, but it is possible to approach this with a little bit of grace and politeness. Try to remember that we’re all trying to get somewhere, and we’ve all made mistakes while driving. As mentioned above, by giving yourself some extra time to get to where you need to go, you can avoid feeling rushed. That way, you can have more time to let a person pass you on the highway or change lanes without feeling personally attacked. Think about it this way, by giving yourself extra time, you have spare time to give others on the road.

Avoiding road rage and feeling more at ease in your car starts with a vehicle that won’t let you down. Maintain your vehicle in good condition by using only the best products like AMSOIL’s DOT 3 and DOT 4 Synthetic Brake Fluid. The experts at North American Wholesale can help you out by calling them at (866) 580-1008.

Steer Away from Bad Driving

As we mentioned above, we’ve all made mistakes in the past while driving. That being said, being witness to bad driving can trigger road rage for many drivers. If you see someone switching lanes erratically, try steering away from them to avoid trouble. If any angry drivers try to engage with you, don’t engage, and if they cross the line into obscene gestures, try to move on. Some angry drivers look to escalate situations to justify their anger, so ignoring them is the best way to diffuse it.

Don’t Take Aggression Personally

As the last suggestion, often, when you encounter an aggressive driver, you’ll feel it like a personal attack. As we mentioned earlier, the best way to avoid these situations from escalating is to ignore them and not take the aggression personally. Remember that it’s probably not you; it’s them and that the best course of action is to avoid engaging. Safety tip: If you feel unsafe in an aggressive driving situation, don’t drive home or to your workplace; instead, drive to a police station where you can get help.

Get the best products for your car by calling North American Wholesale at (866) 580-1008 or visit AMSOIL's online store to place an order 24/7.